But it does bear a REALLY important message when it comes to weight loss and looking after our bodies
I have kidney disease, it was bought on when I stopped drinking and eating for a period when I was in a bad depression episode with my Bi-Polar
Since that time I have been strict with my water intake and have actually increased my kidney function from 40% to 60% all because of that
But why is this relevant to you and you losing weight
Here is why
I know when I am not properly hydrated because I cannot see my veins in my feet
I have water retention like a b**ch and I know when I am not looking after myself when this happens
Our bodies are always telling us things and giving us little signs that something is not right
But the issue is we ignore them, we push them to the side and don’t even give them the attention they need
You guessed it something BAD happens
We are constantly sick
Our blood pressure goes up
We end up at the diabetes clinic
We have heart problems
We get IBS
We end up on antidepressants
We end up with an anxiety disorder slapped across our medial notes
All things that could well have been swerved IF we had listened to our bodies in the first place
Personally, I believe we don’t know our own bodies, we are just guessing 1/2 the time and taking them for granted
Me included on this one
If we can just open up our hearing, pay a little more attention to what is going on you may find that your health improves 10 fold.
AND if you have a healthy body, you are going to enjoy life more
L & B