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Master Your Recovery From Burnout with The Energy Reset!

Tues 2nd April 2024



If you purchased a copy of "the energy reset" between 24th Feb - 1st April we want to invite you to this special masterclass

We will cover:

Don't miss this opportunity to reset your energy and redefine your relationship with work and stress

Register Now SpAces are Limited


We are Laura and Barry Ash aka Loz and Baz a husband and wife team and former Police and Prison Officers, who’s passion is making this world a happier and healthier place.

Rock Solid started up business in June 2013 after Loz was medically retired from the Police Force and since that day we have been inspiring people to take action and realise the importance of good health and well-being.

We have been fortunate enough to have worked with 1000’s of people both within the UK and in the States. We have appeared on radio, in magazines and on TV talking about the importance of looking after our health and wellbeing including topics on mental and physical health.

We have even been fortunate enough to train other PT’s in the fitness industry and also spoken on stage at the UK’s largest fitness Expo BodyPower and being part of the Channel 5 Star TV show “It’s Your Fault I’m Fat” helping a family to get healthy.

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